web·site de·sign & de·vel·op·ment

/websīt·dəˈzīn/ & /dəˈveləpmənt/
1. ENIGMA specializes in WordPress website develop to help clients establish their digital space on the internet. The web site building process is a collaboration of skill and clients’ needs. Together we build a site that helps drive traffic to you, express your company or organization’s brand and further connects the dots for the customer, client or donor.

ENIGMA conceptualizes, plans, and builds the layout, colors, text styles, structure, graphics, images, and use of interactive features that is unique to your site and company’s or organization’s brand. Throughout the building process we will build in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) features. ENIGMA can also implement donor databases as well as e-commerce shopping capabilities if needed by our clients. ENIGMA can also help you routinely maintain your website with graphic design, social media management or other multimedia services.